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English Language Challenges

My experience learning English in this university has been good. I can’t say a lot about it because I only took two courses, but I can definitely say that it helped me to improve my pronunciation and to learn idioms that can help in any situation, for example, when you have to write blogs and make an idea. About blogs, I have to say that they are a good tool to practice writing, because it is an important part when we have to apply for some job or interview. We have to know how to write properly in English and we should be capable of writing about any theme, that’s why blogs are important; they are not boring essays and we can write in the way we like to express ourselves.
English class is important for me because I can keep practicing the language. I know that it’s very common to forget how to pronounce or write or use some words when you don’t speak English frequently, so this class for me is a good way to practice (because it’s different from singing in English or watching series with subtitles).
Nowadays, English is something that you use for everything. I mainly use it to talk with friends on the social media, because it is the global language, so I can talk with friends from Brazil, Canada or any part of the world.
I plan to keep improving my English, maybe traveling or going on an exchange trip to North America or Europe; maybe I can learn things there that help me to do better things with my career and to do better things for the people.


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