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Changes to my study programme

Studying Architecture in the University of Chile sound like something great and promising; you have a brilliant future in front of you because you’re studying a profitable career in one of the best Universities of Chile. However, the truth is that is not as good as it seems. It’s known that this educational institution has a lot of problems, and they can be seen clearly in our faculty.
I can start saying that the length of the career is much larger than in other universities (that are better qualified). We spend years and years learning and working in the same things, sometimes with not noticeable progress, and then, all of this is shown when you enter to the professional field. I think this university should focus more on their students and less on the ‘’prestige’’ they’re trying to show to the world.
Besides, the conditions in where we’re working and studying are not the best. The classrooms don’t have the required equipment for all the students. We don’t have places to work on; our halls become a real war when all of us need a little space to work and there are not enough tables. We don’t even have a decent place to rest! Some of us have had works in where we have been awake for like three days, and when we finish this, we just want to sleep for a while in a quiet place, but we only have some little couches and there are not enough for all of us.
In addition, there are not enough technological equipment for all the students. Every Thursday, the printer machine is full and we have a do a big line to print our projects, and sometimes that means that you are going to be late for the presentation and you’ll have less mark. Happens the same when we are talking about the laser printer. We only have three for almost 3000 students, and one of them is always broken.

I could say more things about the situation here in FAU, because there’s a lot to change, but I like to think that sometime all this will be fixed and FAU will finally be a good place to study.


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English Language Challenges

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I have to say I don’t know a lot about photography. I like to take pictures of things that call my attention, for example, the sunset or the sunrise between the buildings, or the colors of the city. I think I like these kinds of pictures because of the ‘’color palette’’, it makes me calm. Another thing I enjoy taking pictures is street art. I luckily study near many neighborhoods that are full of paintings and different kinds of street art, so it’s really cool for me to go for a walk in these places and take pictures of what I see. I also enjoy taking pictures of animals, more specifically dogs, and even more specifically street dogs. I think that sometimes pictures can reflect what they want to tell us with their sight. It can be love, or hunger, or many other things, but I think that the way dogs look at us is something really nice to capture with a camera. It also happens with cats, but they are mainly posing for the camera, they know that they are some kind of models.