Studying in Santiago is a good option, specially when you live in the center of the city, you have everything you need near your home, so it makes it easier. You have libraries to choose, a lot of parks, good connectivity ans different places to take advantage for the study.
When you're from another part of the country and you come to study here, it becomes a totally different world. The times are different, the rhythm, the interaction with people and even the language! You have to get used to all these things and also know and walk through places you've never been before. At the beginning it's difficult but I think it's something you learn to do. At the end you realize that this city has a lot to offer and that it can be friendly even though it doesn't look like.
I think, when you're a person who don't live in Santiago and you have the necessity to come for study, the life in the city become more easier, because you're interested in know and participle
ResponderBorrarI liked! keep posting!
ResponderBorrarI liked! I think that study in Santiago gives us many new opportunities and facilities that aren's in another places.