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One of my favorite shows: The Simpsons

This time I’m going to talk about The Simpsons, an American series that shows the life of a middle class family. It has stereotypical personalities for every character, which make us feel identified with them. For me, it is an important series because of the covered topics. In this series, we can realize the mistakes we do as a society with a humor touch, so, it works as a comedy and a society critic.
I really like this show because the old episodes remind me to my childhood; every day after school, I would come home, change my clothes and sit on the table to eat dinner and watch the Simpsons. I like this show so much that I can say that I’m the kind of person that uses Simpsons quotes on daily conversations, but I’m not ashamed because my friends do the same thing, it seems that our relationship is based on that.
I cannot say that I have a favorite character because each of them have their moments; sometimes I can hate Homer but in the next episode I’m going to feel identified with him. It also happens with Lisa or even Maggie! So I can’t pick just one. It’s the same with the episodes, there are many good episodes, but I like better the ones from the first seasons, the kind of humor of those ones was really good.
This show is going to be forever one of my favorites. It has everything: cultural references, political humor and social criticism, so I think that’s the reason of the success.


  1. u really loves the simpsins, I agree with "it works as a comedy and a society critic." <3<3

  2. the simpsons bring me remembers about differents phases of my life, the chapters of today it´s not really good like the olders chapters. but always will be a good show!

  3. Your post remind me of my childhood too, i used to do the same thing after school.

  4. the simpsons became general culture, since who has not seen a chapter?

  5. I agree with you, the first episodes are better


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